
Hon Elizabeth QUAT

Chairman, Panel on Environmental Affairs, Legislative Council of the Hong Kong SAR
Mr. Simon Chan BBS,JP
Chairman of Hong Kong Cyberport Management Company Limited and the Chairman of Hong Kong Internet Registration Corporation Limited
Professor TSUI Lap Chee
14th Vice-chancellor, President of The University of Hong Kong, former President of the Academy of Sciences of Hong Kong, and Emeritus University Professor of the University of Toronto
Ms. Winnie CW CHEUNG
Former Chief Executive & Registrar of the Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants and the former CEO of Civic Exchange
Mr. Johnson KONG
Managing Director of BDO and Past President of Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants
Mr. Ricky Cheng
Governor of the Institute of Internal Auditors Hong Kong, Advisory Board member of Global Centre of ESG Education and Research of the HKMA
Mr. Cyrus Cheung
 Partner, ESG Disclosure & Consulting, PwC Hong Kong and Divisional Deputy President, CPA Australia